FAQs for Registrar DocuSign forms
- 1. Who needs to sign my late enrollment petitions?
- Please refer to the DocuSign Signing Order page.
- 2. If I have one instructor for two of my classes do they need to sign both sections?
And, how would they be able to do that?
- Yes, there must be an instructor signer for each of your class sections even if it is the same instructor. The instructor will receive 2 emails, each with a different link to sign the specified class you have added them to sign.
- 3. Does the lab section need a signature from the instructor? It is the same instructor
as the lecture section.
Yes, it is needed. Pay attention to the instructions on the form. Some forms require you to enter all the class components and obtain the instructor’s signatures for each of the components, even if it is the same instructor. This especially holds true for all the late enrollment petitions.
- 4. What is the status of my form? I cannot see the status of my form when I log into
DocuSign via My菠菜网lol正规平台.
- In most cases, a copy of the form is emailed to you after the submission of your form. Once you locate this email, which was sent to the same email you used on the form, click on the link in the email. Request a new link if it has expired. This will open up the form and you can see who has signed and who has not. To view a more detailed history, click on OTHER ACTIONS drop-down and select "View History".
- 5. How can I see which instructor or department chair needs to sign before the Office
of the Registrar processes the form?
Most forms are routed to the necessary academic approvers to sign before it comes to be processed by the Registrar’s Office. Please refer to the DocuSign Signing Order page. To see who has not signed, refer to FAQ #4.
- 6. How can I resend the form to the current signer that needs to sign (e.g. instructor,
department chair)? How can I edit the email address to resend if I entered the wrong
email address or need to reroute the form to a different person to sign?
See table below on which forms you (student) can resend or edit email address to resend.
Form Title Resend / Edit Email Address to Resend By Students By Staff Only Audit Option x CR/ NC Option x Incomplete Extension x Late Enrollment Post-Census x Late Enrollment Retroactive x Multiple Repeats x Open University Registration x Time Conflict Consent x Follow these steps on forms you can resend/edit as a student:
1. Login to your DocuSign account → click the Manage tab at the top navigation → click “Sent” from the left navigation.
2. Find your form. You will see “Waiting for Others” if more signatures are needed.
3. To resend, click “Resend” from the action menu (last column).
- An email notification for your form is then sent to all outstanding recipients whose turn it is to sign.
4. To edit or correct an email address, click the drop down arrow on the action menu (last column) and select “Correct”. Edit/Correct the signer(s) as needed.
- An email notification for your form is then sent to the updated recipient(s).
If you are not able to resend or edit the form, email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@xingtaiyichuang.com with the following information:
1. Specify in the subject the reason for this inquiry, e.g. DocuSign: Resend email to signer.
2. Specify the form you are inquiring about.
3. Your name & 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID: be sure to put the exact same name you entered on the form.
4. The class(es) and instructor name(s) inquiring on.
- 7. I entered the incorrect email for one of my instructors. How can I fix it?
Refer to FAQ #6.
- 8. I have reached out to my instructor several times; but they have not responded,
what can I do?
The Department Chair might be able to approve and sign on behalf of the instructor. If the department chair is able to sign, the form would need to be corrected to reroute to the department chair instead of the instructor. See FAQ #6 on how to correct and resend the form.
- 9. Where do I see the reasons why my petition is denied?
Once all parties have signed the form, you will receive an email with the prefix of the subject “Completed” followed by your name and the name of the form. Open the form via the link in the email. On the top right corner of the form, you will notice whether your form was processed or denied in green text. To see the reason, locate Registrar Office's section and comment field. The reason is in red text.
- 10. If I have multiple petitions to add the classes, one with 5 or 6 classes and another
with one or more classes, will both forms be processed at the same time?
If dropped due to nonpayment, both forms which have all the classes need to be submitted & processed at the same time. Otherwise, we will deny the first form and you will have to submit a new form with all classes listed. If not dropped due to nonpayment, we will process each form as it comes in.
- 11. I was dropped due to nonpayment but did not include all the classes. Can I start
another form with the class that I missed? Or should I start over to include all the
classes? How do I decline the first form that I sent?
We will deny the first form and you will have to submit a new form with all classes listed. Please be sure to read and follow all instructions on the form to mitigate any confusion and duplicate forms as this will delay the processing.
- 12. If I submitted the petition and the instructor did not receive the DocuSign, which
email subject should they look for? And which email address will it come from?
Forms/Petitions that are from the Registrar’s Office usually have the student’s name and the form/petition name in the subject. The subject and the email that it was sent from are similar to the one you would receive. To find the specific one that you are inquiring on, please check the email you received.