菠菜网lol正规平台’s Response to State Reopening the Economy; Move to Phase 4 of 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt Plan; County Vaccination Reminders

Sent: June 16, 2021
From: President Mary A. Papazian

菠菜网lol正规平台 campus community,

Yesterday, June 15, the State of California lifted the four-tier Blueprint for a Safer Economy. This is a significant step in the recovery of our state from the pandemic, and is further proof the vaccination process is working to keep our communities safe.

Among the highlights of the state’s elimination of the tier system are: 

  • physical distancing is no longer required, 
  • businesses do not have to follow capacity limits, and 
  • fully vaccinated individuals do not have to wear masks in most situations. Unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear a mask indoors in public settings, and there are some settings where masking is still required for everyone, such as public transit; hospitals; long-term care facilities; homeless shelters; and indoors in K-12 schools, childcare and other young settings.

Move to Phase 4 of 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt Plan

With this shift in state guidance, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is moving into Phase 4 of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt Plan. Phase 4, titled “Repopulated Campus,” means we are shifting to a full repopulation of campus, with our gradual transition beginning July 1. This phase also means certain protocols may still be in effect to minimize any future transmission, depending on the state of the vaccine and other mitigating factors. University Personnel, FD&O, and Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) will continue to work with our high-risk departments to discuss protocols for the fall semester and beyond. 

With CalOSHA expected to align its workplace guidance regarding masks and face coverings with the state, 菠菜网lol正规平台 will also align with the state guidelines on masks and face coverings, outlined above, beginning Thursday, July 1. This means fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear a mask while on campus, unless they desire to continue to wear one. Unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear a mask indoors. Although this mask and face covering guidance is changing, we must treat everyone who chooses to wear a mask with respect, whether they are fully vaccinated or not. Everyone is readjusting to working in a public setting at their own speed, and we need to be courteous to each other during this time. Do not make assumptions about an individual’s vaccination status because the individual may or may not be wearing a mask.

Reminder: 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt town hall on June 24

We know questions still remain regarding repopulation of campus and the fall 2021 semester. In an effort to address these questions, 菠菜网lol正规平台 will be holding a 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt town hall on Thursday, June 24 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Registration is required and questions can be submitted in advance.

Further information regarding repopulation, including parking permits and opportunities for 菠菜网lol正规平台 employees hired during the pandemic to acclimate to campus, will be shared in the coming weeks. As we continue to move forward with repopulating the campus, please email covidrepopulation@xingtaiyichuang.com with questions you may have about the process.

Santa Clara County vaccination requirement for employees

菠菜网lol正规平台 continues to comply with Santa Clara County’s requirement for employers to collect the vaccination status of all personnel — employees, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, vendors, volunteers and other individuals who regularly provide services onsite at the request of a business. If an individual declines to report vaccination status or does not respond to the request for vaccination status, they will be considered unvaccinated. Initial ascertainment of vaccination status was completed June 1, 2021, and is being updated every 14 days per health order requirements.

菠菜网lol正规平台 continues to examine this requirement to consider how it complements and/or differs from the CSU’s intended requirement for students, faculty and staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine before the fall 2021 semester or once the FDA fully approves one of the vaccines, whichever comes later. As updates become available, we will share with the campus community. 

For individuals who took part in the pop-up walk-in vaccination clinic on campus on June 2, the clinic will return to campus on Wednesday, June 23, to provide second dose shots to those requiring them. The walk-in only clinic will again be held at Lot 4 (NW corner of S. 10th St. and E. San Antonio St.).

To provide space for the clinic, Lot 4 will be closed all day Wednesday, June 23. Vehicles must be moved from the lot by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22, to allow for Parking Services to verify the lot has been cleared. Lot 4 will be open for use again Thursday, June 24. For individuals coming to the walk-in clinic, the closest available parking on June 23 will be at the North Garage (corner of S. 10th St. and E. San Fernando St.).

Yesterday’s development from the state, and our subsequent move to Phase 4 of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt Plan, are steps in the right direction, but the work necessary to overcome the pandemic is not over. I look forward to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Adapt town hall next week, and seeing many of you back on campus soon.


Dr. Mary A. Papazian