Class & Global Notes Information

Class Notes

Class Notes are selected by the department scheduler under the Class Notes Tab in My菠菜网lol正规平台 (PeopleSoft) by using the Class Note Number. Departments using Class Notes can alert students to specific class details and/or course requirements. Unlike the Global Notes, these notes tend to be more generic so that multiple departments can use them for a variety of classes (e.g. lab fee required, off campus field trips, online class, etc.).

Class notes required for Regular Session classes (e.g. you may not add free form text). For Special Session and Intersession class notes you may add specific meeting days and times information, teaching assistant names, etc. When possible, you are strongly encouraged most recent term active class notes to standardize class notes. 

Global Notes

Global notes are not utilized for Special Session and Intersession.

Global notes also indicated as "Subject Notes" in My菠菜网lol正规平台 (PeopleSoft) is an area where departments can provide more specific information about a specific subject, course and/or section. This information will appear on the Class Schedule Subject Notes page and on every single class within the subject in My菠菜网lol正规平台.

A list of the active global notes will be posted on with the Round 1 information. Departments are required to review and make necessary changes to the information by completing the below steps. 

Department with changes:

  1. Download the excel spreadsheet and save the file to your computer.
  2. Review your department global notes.
  3. Make all necessary corrections in red.
  4. Save the file with the changes.
  5. E-mail the file as an attachment to

Department with no changes:

  1. Download the excel spreadsheet and save the file to your computer.
  2. Review.
  3. E-mail the file as an attachment to, with "global notes are okay as is" included in the body of your e-mail.

Departments must notify Academic Scheduling by the end of Round 2. Failure to do this will result in the global note being deleted.

Global Notes Requirements

  • Be consistent with official campus style policy regarding the course nomenclature:  For example, it should say ANTH 010 sec 01 and not Anth 10 sec 1.
  • Campus style for class titles is with a period not a semicolon. For example: SPAN 225. Spanish Dialectology not SPAN 225: Spanish Dialectology
  • Be consistent on campus building nomenclature: For example, Clark Hall is CL not CH.
  • Be consistent on dates and times (use military time).
  • Be consistent with telephone numbers: always include the area code and the whole phone number even if it’s an on-campus number.
  • For those with long global notes think about saying “for more class information see department website at...”.
  • For email addresses, just give contact information; for example, and not email instructor at

You can review your Global notes in PeopleSoft by going to > Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Class Search. Click on any class section to view global notes (subject notes). Check both an undergraduate and graduate level section as global notes (subject notes) are set up separately for each class level.